5 Summer Camp Marketing Tips to Increase Signups

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3 min read

Want to ensure your summer camps are filled before the start of summer?  Begin promoting your camp months in advance! This proactive approach will allow you more time to increase program awareness and will help drive maximum enrollment. Here are 5 effective summer camp marketing tips you can leverage to reach your camp online camp registration goals this summer!

Develop strong summer camp marketing messaging

Your campaign message is an important starting point when developing your summer camp marketing strategy because it informs the rest of your communication. Parents respond positively to organizations that have clear mission statements and values. Highlight the ways you help families, positively impact youth, or fill a need in your community in your organization’s messaging. Aligning your messaging around a central narrative can be a great way to bring cohesion to your campaign. This is also a key opportunity to portray a meaningful, impactful purpose.

Build an effective landing page

Parents are extremely busy throughout their day, so it’s important to ensure that your website offers convenience and ease. Having a landing page that is user-friendly increases the chances that a parent will register for your camp. Parents can quickly find what they’re looking for if your landing page is well-organized and visually pleasing. Implementing online camp registration, making your website easy to navigate, and ensuring that your contact information is clearly visible to parents is a great way to enhance the user experience of your website and will help increase camp registrations.

Perform competitive analysis

When developing your camp strategy, it’s critical to research your competition. By understanding their summer camp marketing strategies, you can shift your focus to key differentiators that may make your camp stand out. Research your competitors’ website, social media pages, and other avenues of communication that they utilize to reach parents. Performing this kind of analysis is key when setting prices and determining the right messaging to develop for your audience.

Have a clear call to action

Successful marketing campaigns involve a strong call to action because they encourage parents to take action on your program. Your call to action should be clear across all your communication channels–in email marketing, social media, blog posts, etc. A call to action will elicit the desired response from parents after communicating a compelling message. Your audience should know exactly what you’re asking them to do. Otherwise, they won’t do it!

Offer a smooth online camp registration experience

Cultivate a positive brand experience and maximize camp enrollment by making your registration experience as seamless as possible. Online camp registration and digital flyers are a great pairing to ensure quick and easy registration. Paper registration forms, on the other hand, are inconvenient, harmful to the environment, and provide a poor registration experience because parents cannot take immediate action. The longer it takes to complete your registration, the less likely it is that parents will register for your camp. A smooth transition, from the moment your parent first reads about your camp, to the moment they click ‘submit’, is key to achieving your camp registration goals.

Incorporating these 5 tips into your marketing strategy is a great starting point when planning your summer campaign. You’re well on your way to filling your camp’s spots and increasing brand awareness by getting started early. We hope this summer camp will be your most successful yet!