Best Online After School Management Software Guide

It can be difficult to know which after school management software will be best for you and your program. With so many options out there, how do you choose the best one? What features are important? What features will waste your time? There are many features that you’ll never use, so why pay for them? How do we know what features are essential to any program? The bottom line is… After school management software features should not be cumbersome to use, they should help you run your program efficiently and easily.

After School Management Software: Easy Registration For Parents

A huge factor when considering after school class management software should be the ease of use for your parents. How easy will it be for parents to register for all your activities? Don’t overlook this. The easier it is for your parents to use, the less headache for you. If your process to register for class or camp is too complicated and time-consuming, you may also lose out on potential sign ups. Not all after school class management software is equal, so be sure that the parent registration portal is user-friendly and simple.

After School Management Software: Simple Waivers

Whether you’re a school administrator or running your own small business, it is really important to set program policies for your parents. Remember that parents are making a purchase when they sign-up for a class or camp, so you better protect yourself by implementing basic program policies and having them agree to it. At Minimum, your program should have a cancellation policy, refund policy and behavior policy in place. You should look for a solution that required parents to accept your waivers before they register.

After School Management Software: Organized Rosters

If your rosters aren’t generated automatically when parents register, then you’re just wasting your time. The whole point of using software is to make your life easier, allowing the system to track registration for you. When looking for software, don’t just make sure that rosters will be generated automatically; make sure you can edit rosters manually. This will save you a lot of time!

After School Management Software: Automatic Waiting Lists

Do you have a popular class that everyone wants to sign-up for, but the class has a max? You’ll definitely want an optional wait list feature as part of your after school class registration software. Should you decide to use it, a wait-list that generates automatically when the class is full will make things so much easier for you! The tough part about keeping an organized wait list is staying on top of who was first, second and so on. Having that automatically ordered for you can make all the difference.

After School Management Software: Quick Payment Collection

Collecting payments should be a hassle free and smooth process with any good registration software. It might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s not that obvious to some companies. Your goal should be to collect and track payments as easily as possible in the safest manner. Dealing with checks, cash and credit cards all have their pros and cons. But studies show that people are becoming more comfortable using credit and debit cards for their purchases, making you responsible for sensitive information. Good after school class management software will make sure that this is done in the most secure way.

After School Management Software: No Hidden Fees

Okay, let’s get serious. The whole point of using after school class management software is to save you time, right? But at what cost? There are several fees that you might come across when doing your research. Different companies may charge different fees; Setup fees, monthly fees, and processing fees are just some of the costs you may see. There will always be some fee, but as a consumer, your job is to pay as few of these fees as possible. We believe that saving time doesn’t need to come at such a high cost. We take into account that our customers want to save time but they also don’t want to spend a small fortune. When looking at software, make sure pricing is simple and transparent. There is no reason this has to be complicated.

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