After School Conferences You Must Go To In 2019

As after school becomes a more popular time for kids to experience new and wonderful things, the more professional events become available. We’ve got the top after school conferences for you to attend in 2019.

National AfterSchool Association After School Conferences

NAA is the membership association for professionals who work with children and youth in diverse school and community-based settings to provide a wide variety of extended learning opportunities and care during out-of-school hours. Our members include after school program directors, coordinators, sponsors, front-line staff, school leaders, principals, teachers, paraprofessionals, board of education members, non-profit leaders, advocates, community leaders, policymakers, researchers, and more.


BOOST Collaborative AfterSchool Conferences

The BOOST Collaborative is a unique purpose-driven company committed to creating opportunities for change in educational and social services agencies serving youth in the out-of-school time hours. BOOST supports out-of-school time professionals through quality professional development opportunities, program and resource development, building community partnerships, promoting the importance of quality out-of-school time programming, opportunities to share promising practices, and a variety of consulting services. Together we make a difference.


Beyond School Hours XXIV National Education Conference

Beyond school Hours conference provides vital professional development opportunities for educators and leaders working with students of all ages, across the learning day, all across America.Refresh, renew, and have fun connecting with peers and experts. Take home skills, tools and a renewed passion for improving learning outcomes for young people across the entire day, through:

  • Hands-on workshops and pre-conferences led by national experts
  • Motivating keynote presentations and panel discussions
  • Powerful networking opportunities and celebrations
  • Fascinating educational excursions
  • Premium exhibits unveiling the latest products and solutions


Summer Programs and Auxiliary Revenue Conference (SPARC)

                                                SPARC is the premier national conference serving the professional development needs of independent school summer and auxiliary program leaders. Through two and a half days of collaborative workshops, keynotes, panels, and discussions, attendees will develop ideas and strategies to implement in their own school. Our program is designed for professionals with all levels of experience, from those just beginning in their role to others with years of experience. For many Directors of Auxiliary Programs, this conference has become their primary professional development. SPARC was inspired by the knowledge that successful summer/auxiliary programming requires a unique combination of skills by leaders who often work in relative isolation within their own schools. Our conference will address the wide range of responsibilities held by summer/auxiliary program leaders that include human resources, marketing, business management, innovation and entrepreneurship, programming, operations, and technology. Attendees will develop clear action plans to implement immediately in their own programs.


2019 Afterschool & Beyond Conference

Afterschool & Beyond is a statewide conference for the staff of programs and organizations serving youth during out-of-school time.  This conference is open to all school-based and community-based programs, that cover youth in elementary through high school during the school year and/or summer. Topics during this year’s conference will include: Youth Leadership, Family Engagement, Trauma Informed Strategies, Volunteer Management, Career Readiness, STEM, Social Emotional Learning and much more!

STEM Summit 2019: This year’s conference will include ‘STEM Summit 2019’, bringing afterschool together with industry, K-12 educators, higher education, policy makers and community organizations. This action-packed, participatory event will explore the existing strategies and remaining challenges for cultivating STEM learners in MT.  You’ll walk away with resources, relationships, and ideas that you can use in your immediate practice as well as help inform system-level action. STEM Summit 2019 is offered in collaboration with Montana State University and the Southwest Montana School Services and is included free with your registration for the ‘Afterschool & Beyond Conference’

21st CCLC programs take note: ‘Afterschool & Beyond’ is your required state professional development conference.  We’ll be hosting a special meeting for all 21st CCLC programs Wednesday, August 7 from 1:00pm-3:00pm. Please add this option to your conference registration if you will be attending for your program.


2019 California Expanded Learning Summits

The goal of the Summits is to support after school and K-12 stakeholders in creating high quality expanded learning opportunities with equity at the center. Summits will highlight local programs and regional leaders, showcasing promising practices and modeling the types of learning and engagement effective for students and adults. Ideally workshops would model some of the Learning in After School & Summer (LIAS) Principles and the Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California. Workshops will include interactive elements; opportunities to connect with other attendees and peers, and engage in conversation with the presenter; and offer strategies, tools, and resources that can be readily utilized.


 Lights On Afterschool Celebration

Each October, one million Americans and more than 9,000 communities nationwide celebrate the afterschool programs that keep kids safe, inspire them to learn and help working families. California is hosting a statewide Lights On Afterschool event at the State Capitol on October 24, 2019. More details coming soon!  Hundreds of programs will also celebrate Lights On Afterschool with local events celebrating keeping the Lights On Afterschool and showcasing their programs to the public with youth performances, informational presentations, and other activities highlighting what the programs offer to children and youth.


Afterschool Project-Based Learning Workshop

August 5 – 7, 2019 | Indiana Afterschool Network, Indianapolis, IN

In Magnify Learning’s Afterschool Open Workshop, you will experience a project-based learning environment while you learn the nuts and bolts of project-based learning. You will leave the three-day workshop with a fully reviewed project-based learning unit you are ready to implement with confidence! Participants will receive a FREE follow-up coaching session after the workshop. Afterschool employees and volunteers are encouraged to attend in order to collaboratively work together and establish a project-based learning lessons, activities, and units designed to meet the particular needs and culture of their youth population. Upon the successful completion of the workshop, participants receive a certificate for earning 21 CYC Certification points (7 per each day attended). The workshop daily hours will be from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. Lunch will be provided.


Summer Changes Everything Conference

October 21 – 23, 2019 | Atlanta, GA

The only national conference devoted to summer learning opportunities. Join participants from all over the county in Atlanta, GA for a weekend of resources, best practices, and solutions for summer learning and afterschool programs.


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