Increase Class Sign Ups With These Simple Tips and Tricks

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3 min read

Spread the word! Whether you’re running an afterschool program for your school or you’re an enrichment company providing classes and camps for other locations– you need to promote your classes if you want to increase class sign-ups and have high enrollment. Offering cool classes and camps does not automatically mean you’ll get the enrollment you want. A successful afterschool class marketing campaign will get you solid numbers and help keep your program growing – session after session. We’ve highlighted a few ways below to help you promote your program.

Flyers Increase Class Sign Ups

You may think it obvious, but you don’t want to overlook this crucial piece of afterschool class marketing material. If you were going to do just one thing on this list, flyers would be it. A great flyer includes the following relevant information: Dates, Times, Cost, Grades, Description and “How To Register”. Most important is the “How To Register” section. It should stand out and clearly explain how you want parents to enroll in your activities. A confusing registration process can lead to low enrollment and canceled classes and camps. This is one of the reasons we suggest using a single registration option like Popsicle.

Demos Increase Class Sign Ups 

Demonstrations of your classes are fantastic promotional tools and can have one of the highest positive impacts on your program. You can hold demonstrations during snack or lunch so as to provide kids with the opportunity to engage in the activity, meet their potential instructor and ask questions. “Sign-Me-Up” stickers and flyers are great handouts that have a high chance of making it home to the parents.

Assemblies Increase Class Sign Ups

Assemblies are excellent platforms to introduce classes and camps to kids. It gives them an opportunity to see all programs at once. Having a flyer to hand out after the assembly is also recommended, as some of the little ones may not remember all class details and sign up information.

Email Blasts Increase Class Sign Ups

Handing out flyers and stickers are great, but you should try to send out an email as well. This can be a simple and cost-effective tool for your afterschool class marketing campaign. Email blasts are a great way to ensure that parents will get information about the classes being offered. Sending out emails will also save on additional paper costs. You can simply attach the flyer to the email, or include all details in the body of the email, along with a registration link. This allows for the simplest conversion process, which means higher enrollment. Popsicle offers a great email marketing tool at no extra cost. If you want to really spend time concentrating on this you can use services like Mailchimp.

Parent Nights Increase Class Sign Ups

Can you think of a better time to promote your classes to parents than a Back To School or a Parent Night? We can’t either. Your goal is to get kids excited about the classes and to get parents well informed. Having flyers or even presentations during a Parent Night can be really helpful to boosting enrollment – and this can be a great opportunity for parents to ask you important questions.

Your Website Will Increase Class Sign Ups

With parents becoming more web-savvy, they are beginning to expect that your website has up to date information about the classes and camps you offer – so put details, with specific instructions on how to register, on your website.

The key to increase class sign-ups is to get the word out – to both kids and parents. We are in the business of servicing kids, but we are selling to parents. If parents know about the classes you offer, you have a much better chance of them signing up their kids. Popsicle makes promoting classes easier by giving parents a simple way to get all the information they need and allows them to securely register for your class. Put your parent portal link on a flyer, sticker, website or in an email – and we take care of the rest.