Digital Flyers Can Make Your Online Registrations Soar

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2 min read

Many of us know that the benefits of switching to online registration are endless, but what happens when you combine paperless enrollment with paperless flyers? The result – is magic.

Digital flyers eliminate the hassle of paper handouts. They enable parents to easily find and view information about your programs right from their smartphone or computer. While it may feel less scary to stick to your old ways and pass out paper flyers forever, transitioning away from this outdated approach may just be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make for your organization.

Here are 5 reasons why you’ll love switching from paper to digital flyers:

Spend less time managing and distributing materials

With digital flyers, you can send information to parents in just a few easy steps and within the comfort of your own office or home. Plus, time is money and you’ll be able to reallocate the resources that you would have spent distributing paper on more important matters.

Get your flyer approved quickly and easily

Instead of manually contacting each school or district office to obtain approval for material distribution, you can get your flyer approved by submitting a request online. Not only is it easier, but it also ensures that your flyer approval request doesn’t get buried underneath other paperwork.

Save money on printing costs

It doesn’t cost extra to send digital flyers in full color, so you’ll have the creative freedom to make your design as beautiful and impressive as you’d like! You can even send multiple pages without fear of incurring additional costs.

Streamline the online registration process

When you pass out a paper flyer that tells parents to get on their phone or computer to register, it’s an inconvenience. The opportunity to drive revenue is lost when we don’t make it easy for parents to immediately act on something they’re interested in. Imagine how seamless the process will be when they can go straight to your registration page with one click.

Track digital flyer performance with digital metrics

Unlike paper flyers, you can actually track parent engagement with digital flyers! No more wondering whether your investment got into the hands of parents or ended up in the trash!

Ready to switch to paperless communication? Here’s why Peachjar is the best choice for your transition to digital flyers:

-Digital flyers are sent as colorful images – no more searching through links!

-Your flyer is emailed directly to parents and posted online to each school’s website

-Flyers that include multiple pages can be sent at no additional cost

-You can add multiple calls to action buttons that link to your website to make online registration easier than ever!

-Track flyer sends, opens, and clicks with our digital flyer metrics dashboard